
Wigan Golf Club

The new World Handicap System (WHS) is designed to be more inclusive, accessible and to make golf easier to understand for all.

The WHS incorporates the Rules of Handicapping and the Course Rating System, (a consistent method to calculate a golf courses difficulty), to successfully determine a golfer’s Handicap Index

After a player has achieved 20 scores, a ‘fully developed’ Handicap Index can be calculated to provide the most accurate representation of a player’s ability. The WHS Software calculating the average of the eight best scores from the previous 20 rounds.

Click here for a simple guide

Click here to access your Golf England Account

Click here to Download FAQs for World-Handicap-System

Click here to Watch a series of Videos explaining the new World Handicap System

Click here to download the Golfers Toolkit

Created by intelligentgolf version 10.1.2.