Wigan Golf Club lies in the heart of Lancashire, between Wigan and Bolton. It is within easy reach of Manchester (M61 is 2 miles away), Liverpool (M6 is 2.5 miles away) and the rest of Lancashire.
Wigan's premier golf course is known as the "Hidden Gem" and is set in a mature tree-lined parkland, with magnificent views over to the Pennines and rolling coutryside. It was created in 1898, making it one of the oldest clubs in this area. Wigan's moated clubhouse is Arley Hall and dates back to 13th century.
The course presents a fair challenge to any standard of golfer. Over the years few have beaten it; all have enjoyed it. Our tree-lined fairways lead you to some of the best greens in Lancashire. If you enjoy peace and tranquility, then Wigan is your course - the sound is the wildlife.
We welcome vistors and parties, of all sizes, all year round. We hold a number of Opens and Charity Days, and are a perfect size and location for a society.
Corporate golf is welcomed at Wigan and Arley Hall is a great setting for an away day.
Wigan Golf Club is keen to offer you and your party a package tailored to your requirements. Please also view the current offers available, or phone the Secretary's Office for further details.
We have a practice area, putting green and nets for a warm-up. Drinks, golf balls, tees and yardage books are available in the Club. Buggies are available for booking.
The 19th completes your day. The prestigious clubhouse and lawned moat are excellent settings in which to relax. The Steward and Stewardess offer a warm and friendly service, providing delicious traditional food, which can be enjoyed with a taste of some local beers or a sample from our wide offering of wines.
Wigan's other advantage over most local clubs is our policy is to maintain a lower membership, thus avoiding queues to get on to the course. This makes it the ideal club to play and to relax in the unique surroundings.
If you are planning a trip to the "Englands Golf Coast" (which is around 20 miles away) and whose courses stretch from The Fylde to The Wirral and include Royal Birkdale, Royal Lytham, Royal Liverpool, Formby, Southport and Ainsdale, Hillside, Fairhaven, St Annes, West Lancashire and Wallasey; then why not include Wigan Golf Club as the hidden gem of an alternative?
MEMBERSHIP - We are currently offering a limited number of new memberships for 5, 6 and 7 day members and have temporaliy suspended the joining fee. Details of the annual subscription are available on this website, or via the Office.
Please contact the Secretary's Office where the friendly staff will be delighted to assist.
The telephone number is: 01257 421 360
And the email is: info@wigangolfclub.co.uk