70 players have been signed up for this competition as of 6:38 PM Thursday 5th December
Ian Armstrong (Vicars Cross) |
Mike Ashton (30.9) |
ALBERT BARKER (Ellesmere) |
Derek Bazley (Runcorn) |
John Beck (Penwortham Golf Club) |
Peter Bishop (Vicars Cross) |
Paul Bruckshaw (Reddish Vale) |
Terence Byrne (22.2) |
Alan Chapman (Ellesmere) |
Andy Childerhouse (Vicars Cross) |
Peter Leonard Craven (Runcorn) |
Timothy Dolphin (Sale) |
Richard Donaldson (Vicars Cross) |
Doug Earl (Hart Common Golf Club) |
Dave Ellison (Birchwood) |
Paul Fanning (Bury Golf Club) |
Colin Farrelly (Vicars Cross) |
Robert Foster (Towneley) |
Tony French (Vicars Cross) |
Tim Gandy (Runcorn) |
Michael Gavin (28.4) |
Brian J Gee (Ellesmere) |
Andrew Gibson (Kirkby Lonsdale) |
John Goodier (Runcorn) |
John F Gore (Ellesmere) |
MR R B GRAY (Sale) |
Norman Guy (Haigh Hall) |
Colin Halsall (Hart Common Golf Club) |
Stephen Heaviside (20.5) |
Mr Keith Herbert (Vicars Cross) |
Nigel C J Holden (Ellesmere) |
Richard Holdstock (Lancaster) |
Dennis Holleron (29.8) |
David Hooper (Runcorn) |
John Hooton (Dean Wood Golf Club) |
Leslie Hooton (Dean Wood Golf Club) |
Dave Howard (Runcorn) |
Bryan Jones (Reddish Vale) |
Peter Jones (Bury Golf Club) |
Peter Keown (Ellesmere) |
Colin Peter Leigh (Reddish Vale) |
Melvyn Link (Burnley) |
John Marriage (Ellesmere) |
Chris Marsden (Ellesmere) |
Anthony Martin (28.0) |
John Mather (Penwortham Golf Club) |
Gordon Mayne (Runcorn) |
Brian Mcdonnell (Haigh Hall) |
Mike Meynell (Eaton - Chester) |
Paul Monks (Birchwood) |
Roy Moore (Burnley) |
Graham Moss (Hart Common Golf Club) |
Anthony Mugan (Hart Common Golf Club) |
Geoffrey Oliver (Lancaster) |
Dave Owen () |
David Parry (Queens Park) |
Malcolm Pass (Eaton - Chester) |
Steven Roberts (Vicars Cross) |
terry sayers (Bury Golf Club) |
Frank Sutcliffe (Lancaster) |
Keith Thompson (Towneley) |
Geoff Todhunter (Penwortham Golf Club) |
Chris Wallace (Vicars Cross) |
Martin F Walsh (Penwortham Golf Club) |
Robert Whitney (28.7) |
Alan Whittle (17.8) |
David Wilson (Vicars Cross) |
Trevor Wisdom (Bury Golf Club) |
J Wright (Reddish Vale) |
Jack Yates (Heysham) |